Is It Cold in A Hockey Arena – Comprehensive Guide 2023

Curious Is it cold in a hockey arena? Explore the comfort levels in ice rinks and tips to stay warm while enjoying the game. Discover more about the temperature inside hockey arenas here!


As one enters the exhilarating world of hockey, one may wonder, “Is it cold in a hockey arena?” This is a natural question. Ice arenas are known for their icy battlegrounds on which players glide with finesse, but what about the spectators? It is this inquiry that leads us into the heart of the arena, a place of anticipation as well as a distinct chill that permeates the atmosphere.

The purpose of this exploration is to examine the dynamics of temperature within these sporting sanctuaries, identifying the factors contributing to the brisk ambience of these venues and providing tips for staying warm and comfortable during thrilling hockey action. Join us on this journey as we explore the mysteries behind the cool embrace of a hockey arena.

The Science Behind is it cold in a Hockey Arena?

How Ice Rinks Maintain Their Cool

Ice hockey arenas are designed to provide players with a consistent and smooth surface. For this to occur, the ice surface temperature must be maintained in a manner that ensures that it remains solid but not too hard. At the beginning of a game, the surface temperature of the ice usually ranges between 19 and 21 degrees.

The Role of HVAC Systems in Arenas

The HVAC system plays a crucial role in ensuring that the ice remains in the best possible condition. The temperature inside the arena increases with increasing crowd size. In order to ensure the ice does not exceed 24 degrees at the end of the game, ice technicians utilize specialized pipes and HVAC systems to cool the building.

Professional vs. Recreational Hockey Arena Temperatures

Is It Cold in A Hockey Arena
Is It Cold in A Hockey Arena

The NHL Standard for Arena Temperatures

As a general rule, in professional hockey arenas, such as those hosting NHL games, the recommended air temperature range is between 60°F (15°C) and 65°F (18°C).

The Challenge of Maintaining Ice in Warm Climates

The maintenance of the ice in warmer climates presents a significant challenge. For instance, in Arizona, technicians have to ramp up the air conditioning in order to prevent the ice from melting. This results in much colder temperatures for spectators.

Dressing for the Game: What to Wear

Professional Hockey Game Attire

If you are attending a professional hockey game, a light jacket or a sweater will suffice. You do not need a heavy coat, gloves, or ski hat. Dress as you would for a movie theatre – a place that is cool but not freezing.

Recreational Hockey Game Attire

As opposed to ice skating rinks, which can be much colder, you should bundle up with a warm jacket, gloves, and perhaps a ski hat. Bringing a blanket, especially if you are sitting on benches that are cold, is also a good idea.

The Player’s Perspective: Staying Warm on the Ice

NHL Players and Arena Temperatures

NHL players feel much warmer than spectators due to the intensity of the game. The high-energy nature of hockey causes players to generate a lot of heat, which allows them to feel much warmer than spectators.

Recreational Players and Cold Rinks

Players in recreational hockey arenas usually have adequate insulation provided by their hockey gear. Once they begin skating and the game begins, they generate sufficient body heat to remain warm.

The Impact of Temperature on Ice Quality

Challenges in Maintaining Quality Ice

For a good hockey game, the quality of the ice is crucial. In professional settings, maintaining high-quality ice can be challenging due to the heat in the building. Bouncing pucks and players having difficulties with passes are indicators that ice quality is deteriorating.

The Role of Modern Technology in Ice Maintenance

Technological advances have led to improvements in ice quality, especially in professional arenas. Modern systems are intended to provide a consistent ice condition throughout a game.

Refreshments: Warming Up with Hot Drinks

Beverage Options in Professional Arenas

Professional arenas offer a plethora of food and drink options. Whether you’re in the mood for a hot chocolate or a steaming cup of coffee, you’re covered.

Concessions in Recreational Arenas

Recreational areas might not have the extensive options of their professional counterparts, but most have concessions selling hot drinks and snacks, perfect for warming up during the game.

Fact about Cold Hockey Arena

Hockey arenas are intentionally kept at low temperatures, typically around 55-65 degrees Fahrenheit (13-18 degrees Celsius), to maintain the ice quality.
The colder environment helps prevent the ice from melting and provides a suitable surface for gameplay.
Spectators in hockey arenas are advised to dress warmly, as it can be chilly inside due to the lower temperatures.
Many arenas provide rental services for coats or blankets for spectators who may not be adequately dressed for the cold environment.
Players wear specialized gear including jerseys, padding, and helmets to help regulate their body temperature during gameplay.
The ice surface itself is maintained at a temperature just below freezing to ensure optimal conditions for the game.
The cold environment in a hockey arena is crucial for player safety and the quality of the game.
HVAC systems are used to regulate the temperature in larger arenas, ensuring an even distribution of cold air.
The temperature inside a hockey arena may vary slightly depending on the location and design of the facility.
Some modern arenas have advanced climate control systems that can adjust temperatures based on occupancy and external weather conditions.


Why are ice hockey arenas so cold? 

Ice hockey arenas are cold to maintain the quality of the ice surface for the game. The ice needs to be solid but not overly hard, requiring specific temperatures.

How do HVAC systems help in maintaining arena temperatures? 

HVAC systems play a crucial role in controlling the temperature inside the arena. They help in cooling the building, especially when the crowd size increases, to ensure the ice remains in optimal condition.

What should I wear to a professional hockey game? 

A light jacket or hockey sweater is sufficient for professional games. There’s no need for heavy attire like gloves or ski hats.

Are recreational hockey arenas colder than professional ones? 

Yes, recreational rinks are often colder, with temperatures dropping to 55°F (12°C) or even cooler.

How do players stay warm on the ice? 

The high intensity of the game generates a lot of body heat for the players, keeping them warm despite the cold surroundings.

Do ice hockey arenas offer hot drinks? 

Yes, both professional and recreational arenas typically have concessions selling hot drinks like coffee and hot chocolate.


Yes, it is intentionally cold in a hockey arena. This deliberate chilling of the arena serves a crucial purpose in maintaining the quality of the ice surface for gameplay. While this cold environment may be uncomfortable for spectators, it is essential for player safety and the overall integrity of the game.

It’s advisable for attendees to dress warmly when heading to a hockey game to ensure a comfortable experience. Additionally, modern arenas often employ advanced climate control systems to regulate temperatures efficiently. Ultimately, the controlled chill in a hockey arena is a necessary element in creating the ideal conditions for this exhilarating sport.

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